How Inequality Hurts

This category contains 105 posts

How Campus Chiefs Ace Executive Excess 101

The fiercer that major state universities squeeze faculty and students, a new study shows, the grander the rewards their presidents reap.

Why Our Sky Sometimes Does Start Falling

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be able to demonstrate the link between inequality and catastrophic environmental change. But a little help from rocket scientists can certainly help.

Can a Great City Overdose on Billionaires?

The chase after the global super rich is leaving the world’s choicest cities nastier places to live for anyone without a grand fortune.

Why Cupid Seems to Be Missing More Often

Those arrows aren’t hitting their lovelorn targets the way they once did. The reason? New research points to our growing economic divide.

Inequality: A Sure Way to Kill a Good Time

What makes a society a fun place to be? Really nice weather and exciting night-life options certainly help. So does avoiding a starkly skewed distribution of income and wealth.

From Rome, Five Essential Insights on Inequality

In plain yet powerful language, Pope Francis is challenging the givens of our deeply unequal world — and helping inspire resistance to it.

Are Heartless People Simply Born That Way?

America’s top execs don’t have the time to party. They’re too busy waging a corporate holy war against what may be the most promising check yet on executive pay excess.

A Politics Really Worse than Watergate?

If the Supreme Court chooses to erase our remaining post-Watergate campaign finance reforms, Richard Nixon’s scandalous reign may come to seem — thanks to growing inequality — mere kid’s play.

Why Can’t Democracy Trump Inequality?

Voters of modest means outnumber voters of excessive means in every election. Yet public policy in America essentially comforts only the already comfortable. Four political scientists have an explanation.

Crocodile-Tear Time for America’s Free Press

A rather ruthless billionaire has grabbed one of the world’s great newspapers. But you don’t have to be a high-tech plutocrat, the paper’s previous regime has demonstrated, to help make our world more unequal.