income distribution

This tag is associated with 6 posts

An Inequality Double-Whammy

From new research on the Great Recession, still more evidence that maldistributions of income and wealth really matter

Some ‘Old’ News for a Newly Elected Congress

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has just released its latest appraisal of America’s income breakdown. Whatever yardstick you use, the CBO study makes plain, the rich are winning. Big.

All Hail Piketty, But Props for Pickett, Too

A bold new egalitarian take on our modern economy from France joins a powerful rendering of inequality’s toll — on our daily lives — from the UK. Blend the two into our politics and watch plutocracy start shaking.

At the Top, a Recovery Now Finally Completed

The exceedingly comfortable who sit in America’s richest 1 percent have nearly fully regained the outsized share of the nation’s income they held just before the economy cratered five years ago.

Happy Days Here Again, 21st Century-Style

Great economic cataclysms have in the past knocked the super rich off their stride. Our Great Recession’s deep pockets, stunning new income data show, are bucking the historical tide.

America’s Top Incomes: Down But Certainly Not Out

New data — for 2008 — have revealed a shrinking gap between the rich and the rest of us. But the nation’s top high-income tracker isn’t celebrating. And neither should we.