Newsletter Archive

This category contains 301 posts

March 17 Too Much: Can a City Overdose on Billionaires?

The chase after the global super rich is leaving the world’s choicest cities nastier places to live for anyone without a grand fortune.

March 10 Too Much: Inequality and the Web’s 25th Anniversary

Let’s learn from our not-so-distant past and share the gold. New technologies don’t have to bring us new inequalities.

March 3 Too Much: A Tax Turnabout on the Right

A prominent conservative in Congress has released a tax reform package that actually will not leave the rich significantly richer. Should we be grateful for small blessings — or suspicious? Or both?

February 24 Too Much: Roadkill on the Information Superhighway

Why should moving data around be any different from moving people? No private party, the Comcast merger flap reminds us, ought to be getting rich off a basic public trust.

February 17 Too Much: The Revealing Hubbub over GM’s CEO Pay

Equal pay for equal work? We still haven’t arrived at that destination. Decent pay that reflects the dignity of all who labor? In today’s America, we’ve barely even begun that journey.

February 10 Too Much: Why Inequality Gives Cupid a Hard Time

Those arrows aren’t hitting their lovelorn targets the way they once did. The reason? New research points to our growing economic divide.

February 3 Too Much: A New Book Shifts the Inequality Debate

Click here to read the Too Much weekly edition emailed to readers on February 3, 2014. In the debate over our top-heavy distribution of income and wealth, egalitarians have vanquished both inequality’s deniers and defenders. Now the debate is shifting to the most pivotal question of all.

January 27 Too Much: Plutocrats Playing at Pondering

At the annual Davos retreat of our global elites, the world’s wealthy wring their hands over the widening inequality they so relentlessly widen.

January 20 Too Much: A Breakthrough on Capping CEO Pay?

A new Toronto-based campaign is aiming to change the global conversation on CEOs, workers, and the real value of their labor.

January 13 Too Much: More than Rhetoric on Inequality in 2014?

Those Americans struggling against poverty in the 1960s had plenty of obstacles in their way. We have more. They operated in a functioning democracy. We live, by contrast, in deeply plutocratic times.