pay ratios

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Shareholders as Super Heroes?

Let’s stop waiting for corporate insiders to fix our growing executive pay mess. Say on pay isn’t fixing anything.

By the Numbers: September

The CEO pay reform that terrifies CEOs

After the Shutdown, Maybe a Little Equality?

Executives at private companies with federal contracts are getting rich off our tax dollars — at the expense of their low-wage workers. But we can turn the tables. Here’s how.

The Only CEO Pay Number that Really Matters

How much did America’s top execs make last year? The scorekeepers don’t all agree. But that won’t matter if we keep our eyes on the most important figure of all: the pay gap between CEOs and workers.

The Scruffy and the Stuffy Agree: Cap CEO Pay

From hiking trails in Oregon to boardrooms in Berlin, critics of our staggeringly unequal corporate order are calling for new limits that link executive compensation to worker paychecks.

The Most Surprising ‘Nay on Pay’ Yet

A perfectly respectable business panel is urging corporate boards to ditch the ridiculous rationalizations for CEO pay excess and narrow the gargantuan corporate pay gap. Step one: end CEO stock options.