Tracking Inequality

This category contains 64 posts

Counting Dollars the Rich Want Uncounted

Americans are gaining, ever so slowly, a more accurate picture of just how wide the gap has stretched between the nation’s most fabulously privileged and everyone else.

Do We Need Another Rolls-Royce Showroom?

A tiny tax on global personal wealth over $1 million, newly released global wealth distribution data show, could ensure that no child anywhere on the planet has to live in extreme poverty.

At the Top, a Recovery Now Finally Completed

The exceedingly comfortable who sit in America’s richest 1 percent have nearly fully regained the outsized share of the nation’s income they held just before the economy cratered five years ago.

The Latest Census of Global Fortunes

Private wealth management groups continue to survey the holdings of the world’s rich. The millionaire share of world wealth, the latest data show, has jumped 14 percent since the global economic crisis began in 2007.

Brazil and the United States: A Shrinking Gap

Luxury fortresses. Armored cars. Helicopter commutes. The abominably unequal ‘good life’ may be closer than you think. Meanwhile, in South Africa, a real push back begins.

Our Residential Future: Segregation Forever?

Rising inequality, newly released data make plain, has left America’s metro areas — and neighborhoods — considerably less mixed by income. Are the rich about to bid the rest of us good-bye?

Finish This Sentence: The Rich Get Richer . . .

Yes, the poor have struggled mightily while our rich have become phenomenally flush. But middle-income Americans haven’t been able to jump off the treadmill either.

The ‘Self-Made’ Myth: Our Hallucinating Rich

In real life, working hard only takes you so far. Those who go all the way — to grand fortune — typically get a substantial head start. So documents an entertaining, baseball-themed new analysis of the Forbes 400.

Mitt’s Offshore Shenanigans: The Bigger Story

All those official government stats on the maldistribution of wealth in the United States — and the world — vastly understate the actual extent of our contemporary inequality, says a landmark new study on tax havens.

Magic Act: Making the Super Rich Disappear

The Federal Reserve has once again counted up America’s personal wealth — and omitted the nation’s 400 richest from the final tally. But the new figures, even with that omission, show a divide still deepening.